Viewing Order Details



Install/Upgrade M2E Pro

Install/Upgrade M2E Pro
Install/Upgrade M2E Pro

eBay Integration

eBay Integration
eBay Integration
Sales and Orders
Sales and Orders
Other eBay features
Other eBay features

Amazon Integration

Amazon Integration
Amazon Integration
M2E Pro Listings
M2E Pro Listings
Sales & Orders
Sales & Orders
Other Amazon features
Other Amazon features

Walmart Integration

Walmart Integration
Walmart Integration

Release Notes

Release Notes/Policy
Release Notes/Policy

eBay Order Details

If you click on the eBay Order number in a grid, you will be able to view the details of this order.
On the eBay Order Details page, you can review information about a buyer, purchased items, their price and quantity, payment and shipment details, tax collected by eBay, etc.
For orders received from the Italian eBay site, you can additionally see Buyer Tax ID information.
Click Mark as Paid to the top right of the eBay Order Details page to confirm that you have received payment for an order:
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The Order Currency will be set automatically based on the eBay site where the product was listed, as determined in the general settings used for the M2E Pro Listing.
If applicable, a clickable transaction number section that will take you to payment details will appear in the External Transactions section.
Channel Order made for certain types of electronic devices includes the total value of charged Waste Recycling Fee from all ordered Items.
Under the Transaction Item(s) section, you can perform linking/unlinking of the eBay Item to the related Magento Product.
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All the products in the order must be linked to a Magento product for a Magento Order to be created successfully. Find more details here.
Under the Order Log section, you can track all the actions related to this order:
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Via the Custom Notes tool, you can add comments to the imported eBay orders. Click Add Note to leave a comment. Using the Actions menu, edit or delete your notes as necessary:
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M2E Pro will transfer all your notes to the corresponding Magento order and keep them updated in accordance with your edits.
If a buyer has left a message during checkout, it will be imported with an eBay order:
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To create the Magento Order manually, click Create Order on the top right of the eBay order page:
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Magento Order Details

If you click on a Magento Order number in a grid, you will be able to view details of a Magento Order created for the selected eBay Order.
M2E Pro automatically creates a Magento Order and updates its status based on your settings under Account Settings > Orders.
On the Magento Order Details page, you can review information about the buyer, billing and shipping addresses, payment, shipping and handling details, purchased items, their price and quantity, comments history, and orders total.
Under the Comments History section, you can check all notes left for an order. For example, if a buyer has left a message during checkout, it will be imported with an eBay order and listed in the corresponding Magento order as follows:
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If you sell certain types of electronic devices that are taxed the Waste Recycling Fee, and you need the Waste Recycling Fee value to be included in Magento Order, navigate to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Tax > Orders, Invoices, Credit Memos Display Settings section and enable the Display Full Tax Summary option.
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Detailed information about the Taxes applied will become available in Magento Order.
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